Be Loud, Noisy, and Disruptive in Order to Be a Better Leader
Preeti Srivastav is Group Sustainability Director of the global food and beverage giant Asahi.
Hear her dramatic explanation of how being uncomfortable as a leader is vital to having new vision, asking new questions and succeeding.
Listen to Preeti describe the radical Asahi culture for innovating new disruptive thinking at all levels. It works. So could it also work for you?
She says money talks. Greater growth and profits come from a sustainable approach and challenging the status quo.
Bonuses are calculated differently, which is an additional incentive. So is incorporating social and environmental costs, especially from CAPEX decisions.
Together all these show how leaders can change to embrace sustainability successfully.
The “pull” from the NextGen adds to the pressures to break with cautious, traditional thinking. Employees routinely ask Preeti why progress on achieving sustainability is not faster, and ambitions not greater. So the board and top executives need to respond by being ahead.
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