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Climate Emergency: A major investor on how to change the system

Filed under Climate Emergency

6 September 2019

“The signs are all there. Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg has inspired children around the world to make their voices heard and the rising tide of Extinction Rebellion shows that people clearly care. People are starting to realise that we are part of the problem: how we vote, spend, save and invest have far-reaching challenges.”

That is how the Chief Responsible Investment Officer of Aviva Investments, Steve Waygood, sets out the challenge to fellow major investors and big business in Aviva Investors’ Responsible Investment Annual Report for 2018.

“With the scale of the challenges that society is now confronting,” he writes, “we believe that our stewardship now needs to extend to reforming the system itself.”

Steve Waygood sets out the challenges for investors and big business. They have to wake-up and realise their long-term survival is threatened by unsustainable business practices. Also, they should stand up to challenge governments to “correct these market failures”.

Steve Waygood’s article is available to download here.