Here is Our Latest Cutting Edge Analysis and Unthinking
Podcast | 20 min
There continues to be a battle to get industries and leaders to think and act Green. So, be inspired by this struggle to get the construction industry to control its poisonous liquid waste in a closed loop Washbox.
Podcast | 22 min
Julie Baddeley founded Chapter Zero in 2019. She set out to convince board members and C-suiters they must embrace climate change dramatically. They had no other option. She started with 25 leaders in the UK. Now there are 100,000 plus in 73 countries. How did Chapter Zero do it? Listen to her exciting explanation.
Podcast | 20 min
Feeling secure? Think again. 90% of your company's value rides on tech, but only 2% of insurance covers cyberattacks. That's a trillion-dollar gap leaving businesses exposed.
Our TTU podcast with Ryan Dodd reveals this unthinkable and shocking truth. He is CEO of Intangic who can be described as cyber risk validation champions. He highlights vividly and graphically how the resilience gap against ever-evolving cyber threats must be bridged urgently.
Podcast | 19 min
Rachel Kyte is a global authority on climate finance and the energy transition. Listen to her compelling arguments to re-mobilise and re-boot.
This is because the public is increasingly anxious about deepening climate realities. That’s why new communications and a new narrative are needed so urgently.
Podcast | 20 min
Preeti Srivastav is Group Sustainability Director of the global food and beverage giant Asahi.
Hear her dramatic explanation of how being uncomfortable as a leader is vital to having new vision, asking new questions and succeeding.
Much of what we do is confidential. This is our public work.
Building Bridges – Geneva
World Business Council, Building Bridges
Nik was again invited to be a lead moderator for the biennial Network Conference for Investor AB and the Wallenberg Foundations.
Stay up-to-date on our latest thinking and share the experiences of other leaders who have already had the courage to think the unthinkable, embrace the new global disruption and thrive on change.