TtU’s latest thinking and interviews on the Climate Emergency.
Podcast | 19 min
Rachel Kyte is a global authority on climate finance and the energy transition. Listen to her compelling arguments to re-mobilise and re-boot.
This is because the public is increasingly anxious about deepening climate realities. That’s why new communications and a new narrative are needed so urgently.
Podcast | 20 min
Meet Richard Nugee, a former 3-Star General in the British Army.
Singlehandedly, with no staff, he has convinced the reluctant top brass in the Ministry of Defence that they must embrace climate change. Hear his remarkable explanation of how he won the battle.
Podcast | 18 min
In this new and riveting analysis Seb Munden explains why advertising must dramatically revolutionise attitudes to green. Advertising could do it fast and decisively. Its survival is threatened if it doesn’t.
Lord Nicholas Stern details his deep alarm that governments are “rolling the dice” and “backsliding” on confronting climate realities. He urges leaders at all levels to take their own decisive action to counter this regression.
Why won’t most leaders make the changes so desperately needed? In this devastating critique, ex-Bank of England risk advisor Michael Sheren takes off the gloves. Huge numbers of executives simply can’t confront the scale of the transition needed.
What fuels resistance, and why? The science of climate change is ever more worrying. But communicating the enormity of what must be done still faces significant obstacles. Liz Bentley is CEO of the Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS). She reveals big frustrations during an intense year conveying the message.
Tens of millions of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME’s) make up the majority of the global economy. But most struggle to understand what they must do to combat the climate crisis. Ali Heppenstall, MD of Climate Action for Associations (CAFA) highlights the bind they are in.
The science, warnings and extremes of temperature become ever more sinister. But the global political will to meet Net Zero targets by 2030 then 2050 has weakened. Here Sir Alok Sharma, the former president of COP26, shares his frank, dispiriting assessment of where we are and what we are not doing.
A ‘marzipan’ layer blocks many leaders from thinking boldly. How can they be persuaded to meet the challenges and urgency of achieving Net Zero? Here Christine Diamente, Managing Director of Business Transformation at BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) details how she does it.
Nik’s insights from the melting glacier in the mountains of Chamonix.
Leaders! Please take note! I witnessed an extraordinary celebration in the unofficial margins of the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos. Suddenly there seemed to be remarkable new hope that determined action is picking up speed to save the planet.